As a partner of the main organisations in the aeronautical industry, RESA is at the core of the airport world.
A strategic partnership with IATA
For more than 60 years, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has been establishing commercial standards which are the basis of the worldwide airline industry. IATA'mandate is to represent, guide and serve the airline industry. Its members include over 300 airlines which provide 83% of regular international airline transport. RESA is a strategic partner of IATA and, in this respect, takes part in work to draw up recommendations concerning passenger processing systems.
RESA is an ACI World Business Partner
ACI is the international association of the worlds’ commercial service airports. ACI is a non-profit association whose primary objective is to foster cooperation among its member airports and other partners in world aviation, particularly governmental organizations and those representing airlines and aircraft manufacturers. Through such cooperation, ACI makes a significant contribution toward ensuring a global air transport system that is safe, secure, efficient and environmentally sustainable. RESA is an ACI World Business Partner and participates in several events organized by the different ACI continental branches.
Member of PROAVIA
PROAVIA includes 50 companies specializing in equipment and services for airports and air traffic control.
Its objectives are:
- To promote innovations and the range of products offered by French airport equipment manufacturers and consultants overseas.
- To Inform on technological trends and projects in developing airports.
Affiliated member of UAF & FA
The French Airports Association (Union des Aéroports Français & Francophones Associés UAF & FA) is the professional organization of French airports, of all sizes and specialties. Its main mission is to protect and promote the interests of the French airport community with French and European decision makers.
EUROCONTROL (a European organisation for the safety of air navigation) is a European intergovernmental organisation. Its mission is to align and unify air navigation management in Europe, promoting a common system for civil and military users, under conditions of maximum safety while minimizing costs and environmental impacts.
See also